January Kincaid
basic information
NAME January Fleur Kincaid
AGE 37
DOB November 3rd, 1980

BUILD Yoga bod
HAIR Current: brown, shoulder length
EYES Brown
OCCUPATION Executive Vice President at AeroNorse
MOTHER Ana Kincaid nee Montclair
FATHER Derek Kincaid
Son Jamison Fraser Kincaid, born on January 3rd, 2016
A   B   C   D
The ISTJ personality type is thought to be the most abundant, making up around 13% of the population. Their defining characteristics of integrity, practical logic and tireless dedication to duty make ISTJs a vital core to many families, as well as organizations that uphold traditions, rules and standards, such as law offices, regulatory bodies and military. People with the ISTJ personality type enjoy taking responsibility for their actions, and take pride in the work they do – when working towards a goal, ISTJs hold back none of their time and energy completing each relevant task with accuracy and patience.

ISTJs don't make many assumptions, preferring instead to analyze their surroundings, check their facts and arrive at practical courses of action. ISTJ personalities are no-nonsense, and when they've made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action. ISTJs have little tolerance for indecisiveness, but lose patience even more quickly if their chosen course is challenged with impractical theories, especially if they ignore key details – if challenges becomes time-consuming debates, ISTJs can become noticeably angry as deadlines tick nearer.
Honest and Direct
Strong-willed and Dutiful
Very Responsible
Calm and Practical
Create and Enforce Order
Always by the Book
Unreasonably Blames Self
comic verse
• The J.F. initials are for Jane Foster
• Her last name Kincaid was Jane's married name
• She has cancer (liver cancer instead of breast cancer)
• She has a son named Jamison (instead of Jimmy)
• She is being groomed to take over ~stormur's father's business, as Jane was found worthy of wielding Mjolnir
• She went to nursing school, but unlike Jane, did not become a nurse

Powers (as Thor)
• Superhuman Strength [unlocked in cv] • Superhuman speed/agility • Superhuman durability/invulnerability • Superhuman stamina [unlocked in cv] • Superhuman senses • Self-Sustenance • Healing • Longevity • Energy Manipulation

Abilities (as Jane)
• Nursing/doctor abilities [unlocked in cv/au]

• Mjolnir (to be unlocked with hammer: • Worthiness enchantment • Transformation • Dimensional transportation/teleportation • Mystical link • Energy projection • Flight • Weather control • Allspeak) in cv [unlocked in cv] • Thor costume [unlocked in cv]

• Memories
• Being Jane Foster [unlocked] • Being Thor [unlocked] • Thor/Asgard • Avengers
Derek and Ana met at a young age, when he was in middle school and she was still in elementary. He was best friends with her twin brothers at the time, so the three boys would often be running around finding adventures. Being younger but no less adventurous, Ana would follow them despite all their pleas for her to stay home with her dolls. This type of behavior carried on throughout the years, well into high school where she harbored a crush on Derek without his hardly noticing her. It wasn't until their college years when he started to see her as more than just his friends' kid sister. The two began to date, they got engaged, and were married just after Ana graduated from college.

Little January was their one and only child. She was a sweet little baby that brought her parents a lot of joy. She was born and raised in Boston, on the outskirts of the city. And thanks to her father being part of a start up company that became more successful than he could have expected, the family was taken care of financially. They sent their daughter to the finest private schools in the city, and she was the picture perfect epitome of a good little girl. She had no reason to step out of line, apart from moments where she would become irate and temperamental if she didn't get her way. But all in all, she was a smart girl who strove to make the right decisions. She wasn't particularly outgoing, she tended to be shy and introverted, but the friends she did make were ones that she has carried with her to this day.

She excelled in school, getting the top marks and becoming her high school's valedictorian. After that she went into a three year program for nursing school. She had always wanted to be a nurse for some reason, but after all of her training she decided that it wasn't for her. Instead, she started working for the company that her father helped create. While Derek wasn't concerned or interested in the business side of things - he would much rather stick to engineering planes - January had taken an interest in it. In fact, she was taken under the wing by the man who her father had started the company with. Now, years later, it is she who is being groomed to become the CEO of AeroNorse, an Aeronautical Company that designed and engineered air craft for the government and the elite. She loves her position, loves managing and leading and learning how to cast the vision for the company, but all of her hard work and effort has turned her into a workaholic.

However, a couple of personal matters have caused her to find a life outside of work. She is now the very proud mother of a six month old boy named Jamison. He is the light of his mother's life. Because her love life has generally been a wasteland, she decided when she was 33 that she would pursue artificial insemination. It was a lengthy process, resulting in one miscarriage before she became pregnant with her son. Being a single mother is certainly not an easy task, and she feels guilty that she has to have a full time nanny watch him, but she loves him more than anyone else in the world.

The other life circumstance was that shortly after having her son, January was diagnosed with lung cancer. This is a severely unusual thing that has boggled her doctors because it is the type of cancer that is commonly seen in elderly men. She doesn't smoke and she doesn't drink, so the cancer has truly confused her doctors. It isn't easily operable and chemotherapy wasn't advised. So, January decided to take her doctor's advice by taking pills that will hopefully shrink the tumors on her lungs, or at least not allow them to grow bigger. She is trying to keep a positive outlook on it. And most of the time, apart from feeling very tired, she doesn't feel sick at all. It helps that she keeps herself very busy.

Other than that, her life is fairly straightforward and she doesn't have a lot to say for herself. She is a career woman, a single mother, and a cancer patient just trying to keep her head above water and thrive, no matter what life throws her way.

• Battles social anxiety
• Health nut
• Independent and ballsy
• Comes across as arrogant and distant, though she has a very tender heart toward those she is close to
• Has a secret obsession with soap operas

story lines

comic verse. Jane Foster
played by. Natalie Portman
extra. Random scenes welcome; OOC chatter encouraged; past tense; FTB preferred unless plot driven